Keywords used for the alignItems style property
Keywords used for the alignSelf style property
Keywords used for the alignmentBaseline style property
Keywords used for the animationDirection style property.
Keywords used for the animationFillMode style property
Type for animationIterationCount style property
Type for animationName style property
Keywords used for the animationPlayState style property
Type for single animation. Used by Animation_StyleType style property.
Type for animation style property
Keywords used for the appearance style property
Type for aspectRatio style property
Type representing keywords used to define a type used in the CSS attr()
Type representing keywords used to define a unit used in the CSS attr()
Keywords used for the [[backfaceVisibilityMode]] style property
Keywords used for the backgroundAttachment style property
Type for backgroundAttachment style property
Keywords used for the backgroundClip property
Type for backgroundClip style property
Type for backgroundImage style property
Keywords used for the backgroundOrigin property
Type for backgroundOrigin style property
Type for single background repeat
Keywords for single background repeat
Type for backgroundRepeat style property
Type for background size
Type for backgroundSize style property. The background-size style can specify one or more comma-separated sizes, where each size can be a keyword, a length or two lengths. We model this structure the following way:
Type for single background value
Type for background style property
Type for baselineShift style property
Keywords used for the backgroundBlendMode and mixBlendMode properties
Type for borderCollapse style property
Type for borderColor style property
Type for borderImageOutset style property. It is CssNumber and not CssLength because border-image-outset can be specified as a unitless number.
Type for border-image-repeat keywords
Type for borderImageRepeat style property
Type for borderImageSlice style property
Note: numeric values are treated as is - without appending the percent sign to them.
Type for borderImageSource style property
Type for borderImageWidth style property. It is CssNumber and not CssLength because border-image-width can be specified as a unitless number.
Type for border-image style property expressed as an object.
Type for borderImage style property.
Type for borderSpacing style property
Type for single border side style property
Type for borderStyle style property
Type for borderWidth style property
Type for border style property
Type for boxDecorationBreak style property
Type for single box shadow.
Type for boxShadow style property
Type for boxSizing style property
Type for breakAfter style property
Type for breakBefore style property
Type for breakInside style property
Type for captionSide style property
Type for caretColor style property
Type for clear style property
Type for clipPath style property
Type for clipRule style property
Type for clip style property
Type for colorAdjust and color-adjust style property
Type for colorInterpolation and color-interpolation-filters style properties
Type for colorScheme style property
Type for columnCount style property
Type for columnFill style property
Type for columnGap style property
Type for columnSpan style property
Type for columns style property. The value can be provided in one of the following forms and and will be converted to string as follows:
number: will be converted to a unitless number - count of columns.
ILengthProxy (e.g. px(8)): converted to a number with the proper length units.
two variants of two element arrays: one of the elements will be treated as a number of columns while another as the column width.
Keywords that can be combined in the contain style property
Keywords that can be only used as a sole value of the contain style property
Type for contain style property
Type for content style property
Type for contentVisibility style property
Type for content style property
Type for counterIncrement, counterReset and counterSet style properties
Type for cursor pre-defined names
Type for cursor style property
Type for style properties for which there is no special type defined.
Type for display style property
Type for dominantBaseline style property
Type for emptyCells style property
Type for filter and backdropFilter style property
Type for flexBasis style property
Type for flexDirection style property
Type for flexFlow style property
Type for flexWrap style property
Type for flex style property
Type for float style property
Type for fontWeight style property
Type for font style property
Type for forcedColorAdjust style property
Type representing the boundaries of a box
Type for gridArea style property
Type for gridAutoColumns and gridAutoRows style properties
Type for gridAutoFlow style property
Type for gridColumnStart, gridColumnEnd, gridRowStart and gridRowEnd style properties
Type for gridColumn and gridRow style properties
Type for specifying either number of grid lines or name of grid line or area. This type is used when defining grid-column-start/end and grid-row-start/end style properties.
Type for defining a single grid area position. The numbers are 1-based indices of the lines in the following sequence: block start, inline start, block end, inline end.
Type for gridTemplateAreas style property
Type for gridTemplateColumns and gridTemplateRows style properties
Type for a single track element of grid template axis
Type for a single template element defining name or names for a grid line in grid template. This is always an array - even if a single name is given.
Type for a single template element defining track size in grid template
Type for hyphens style property
Type for imageOrientation style property
Type for imageRendering style property
Type for initialLetter style property
Type for isolation style property
Type for justifyContent style property
Type for justifyItems style property
Type for justifySelf style property
Type for letterSpacing style property
Type for lineBreak style property
Type for lineClamp style property
Type for lineHeight style property
Type used for several style properties that allow defining line width as a <length>
type as well as keywords such as thin
and thick
. For example, see the borderWidth
Type for listStyleImage style property
Type for listStylePosition style property
Type for listStyleType style property
Type for listStyle style property
Type for the marginTrim style properties
Type for the markerStart, markerMid and markerEnd style properties
Type for maskBorderMode style property
Type for the maskBorder style properties
Type for maskBorder style property.
Type for the maskComposite style property
Type for the maskMode style property
Type for the maskType style property
Type for the mathStyle style property
Type for the objectFit style property
Type for the offsetAnchor style property
Type for offsetPath style property
Type for offsetPosition style property
Type for the offsetRotate style property
Type for the offset style property
Type for the overflowAnchor style property
Type for the overflowClipMargin style property
Type for the overflow-x/y style property
Type for the overflowWrap style property
Type for the overflow style property
Type for the overscrollBehaviorX and overscrollBehaviorY style property
Type for the overscrollBehavior style property
Type for the paint-order style property
Type for the paintOrder style property
Type for the perspectiveOrigin style property
Type for the perspective style property
Type for the placeContent style property
Type for the placeItems style property
Type for the placeSelf style property
Type for the pointerEvents style property
Type for the position style property
Type for the quotes style property
Type for the resize style property
Type for rotate style property
Type for rowGap style property
Type for the scale style property
Type for the scrollBehavior style property
Type for the scrollSnapAlign style property
Type for the scrollSnapStop style property
Type for the scrollSnapType style property
Type for the scrollbarColor style property
Type for the scrollbarGutter style property
Type for the scrollbarWidth style property
Type for shapeOutside style property
Type for the shapeRendering style property
Type for the tabSize style property
Type for the tableLayout style property
Type for the textAlignLast style property
Type for the textAlign style property
Type for the textAnchor style property
Type for the textCombineUpright style property
Type for the textDecorationLine style property
Type for the textDecorationSkipInk style property
Type for the textDecorationStyle style property
Type for the textDecorationThickness style property
Type for the textDecoration style property. If a number is specified, it will be interpreted as color - not as thickness.
Fill option for the text-emphasis-style style property
Type for the textEmphasisPosition style property
Shape for the text-emphasis-style style property
Type for the textEmphasisStyle style property
Type for the textEmphasis style property
Type for the textIndent style property
Type for the textJustify style property
Type for the textOrientation style property
Type for the textOverflow style property
Type for the textRendering style property
Type for the single value of the tex"t-shadow style property
Type for the textShadow style property
Type for the textSizeAdjust style property
Type for the textStroke style property
Type for the textTransform style property
Type for the textUnderlinePosition style property
Type for the touchAction style property
Type for transformBox style property
Type for transformOrigin style property
Type for transformStyle style property
Type for transform style property
Type for single transitionProperty style property
Type for transitionProperty style property
Type for single transition
Type for transition style property
Type for the translate style property
Type for the unicodeBidi style property
Type for the userSelect style property
Type for the vectorEffect style property
Type for the verticalAlign style property
Type for the visibility style property
Type for the whiteSpace style property
Type for willChange style property
Type for the wordBreak style property
Type for the wordSpacing style property
Type for the writingMode style property
Type for the zIndex style property
Type for the zoom style property
Keywords used for the alignContent style property.