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Interface IDialogOptions<TStyles>

The IDialogOptions interface represents the options that cofigure the behavior of the Dialog object. They are passed in the constructor to the Dialog class

Type parameters




Optional Readonly anchorElement

anchorElement: HTMLElement

HTML element under which the <dialog> element is created. If this property is undefined, the <dialog> element is created under the <body> element. The default value is undefined.

Optional Readonly defaultButton

defaultButton: any

Identifier of the default button, which will have focus when the dialog appears.

Optional Readonly dialogBodyStyleClass

dialogBodyStyleClass: css.ClassPropType

Defines what CSS class to use for the body section.

Optional Readonly dialogButtonBarStyleClass

dialogButtonBarStyleClass: css.ClassPropType

Defines what CSS class to use for the button bar section.

Optional Readonly dialogButtonStyleClass

dialogButtonStyleClass: css.ClassPropType

Defines what CSS class to use for the buttons.

Optional Readonly dialogCaptionStyleClass

dialogCaptionStyleClass: css.ClassPropType

Defines what CSS class to use for the caption section.

Optional Readonly dialogStyleClass

dialogStyleClass: css.ClassPropType

Defines what CSS class to use for the <dialog> element. If this property is defined, the style property is ignored

Optional Readonly escapeReturnValue

escapeReturnValue: any

Value that is returned when the user closes the popup by pressing the Escape key. If this property is undefined, the popup cannot be closed with the Escape key. Note that null is valid value that can be used to close a popup. The default value is undefined.

For modal popups, this property also controls whether the user can dismiss the popup by clicking on the backdrop - that is, the area outside of the popup itslef.

Optional Readonly initialX

initialX: css.CssLength

X-coordinate of the top-left corner of the dialog from the anchor element. If undefined, the dialog will be centered horizontally.

Optional Readonly initialY

initialY: css.CssLength

Y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the dialog from the anchor element. If undefined, the dialog will be centered vertically.

Optional Readonly styles

styles: TStyles | IStyleDefinitionClass<TStyles>

Defines what styles to use for the <dialog> element and optionally for the ::backdrop pseudo element. The value can be either a style definition class implementing the IPopupStyles interface or an instance of such class. The popup activates the styles when it opens and deactivates them when it closes. If this property is not defined, the popup will use the default styles. The default value is undefined.

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