Web Site of
Michael Michlin
Mimbl Guide: Handling Events

Mimbl Guide: Handling Events

Mimbl allows developers to attach functions to DOM Element events so that when an event occurs the function is invoked. Although the concept is very simple, there are a lot of caveats and nuances involved:

  • How do we identify events?
  • Do we want to attach to a bubbling or a capturing phase of event processing?
  • How do we make event handlers, which are defined as class-based component methods, to use the correct value of this?
  • What if event handlers throw exceptions?

This unit describes the Mimbl’s event handling mechanism and answers the above questions.

Note that this unit only discusses handling events of DOM elements created using JSX - usually in the context of a component’s render method. Mimbl of course allows handling events of other objects (e.g. window or document) using the standard addEventListener function; however, this is discussed separately as part of the unit Callbacks and this.

Basic Use Case

Below is a simple code of a component that has a button and a method that should be invoked when the button is clicked:

class Hello extends mim.Component
    name: string;

    constructor( name: string)
        this.name = name;

    public render(): void
        return <button click={this.onButtonClick}>Click Me</button>;

    public onButtonClick( e: MouseEvent): void
        console.log( "Hello to " + this.name);

mim.mount( new Hello( "Michael"));

From the above code, we can immediately answer the question about how events are identified in Mimbl: events are identified by their standard names - without prefixing them with “on”. Behind the scenes Mimbl calls the Element.addEventListener function and event names are passed to it without any string manipulations.

The handler function receives as a parameter an event object with the type corresponding to the event. Mimbl wraps event handler invocations so that it can intercept exceptions, but it doesn’t change event parameters in any way.

Specifying an event handler for an event as shown in the example above, attaches to the bubbling phase of the event processing. In most cases this is what developers need. If, however, the developer wants to attach to the capturing phase of the event processing, he must specify an object where the func property is set to the event handler function and the useCapture property is set to true:

public render(): void
    return <button click={ {func: this.onButtonClick, useCapture: true} }>Click Me</button>;

The Value of this

In the example above, the event handler uses the this keyword to refer to the instance member name. But wait a minute! How can it work? We all know that in JavaScript, in order for callbacks to have a correct value of this, they must be either defined as arrow functions or be explicitly bound to this. The code above does neither and still it works - how come?!

The answer is simple: Mimbl performs a small trick behind the scenes - it uses the component instance that created the element to call the event handler method. This is almost the same as binding: Mimbl just uses the Function.apply method instead of Function.bind.

But what if the event handler belongs not to the component class but to another related class? Mimbl of course cannot know that on its own but it allows developers to explicitly specify the object, to which the event handler belongs. In order to do that, developers must specify an object where the func property is set to the event handler function and the funcThisArg property is set to the object to which the handler function belongs:

// Define interface that knows to react on the click event
interface IClickable
    onClick( e: MouseEvent): void;

// The Hello component will work with any implementation of the IClickable interface
class Hello extends mim.Component
    clcikable: IClickable;

    constructor( clcikable: IClickable)
        this.clcikable = clcikable;

    public render(): void
        // the onClick event handler belongs to the object implementing the IClickable interface
        return <button click={ {func: this.clcikable.onClick, funcThisArg: this.clcikable} }>Click Me</button>;

// The Person class implements the IClickable interface
class Person implements IClickable
    name: string;

    constructor( name: string)
        this.name = name;

    public onClick( e: MouseEvent): void
        console.log( "Hello to " + this.name);

mim.mount( new Hello( new Person( "Michael")));

If you want your event handler, which belongs to a separate object, to react on the capturing phase of the event processing, you must specify an object with three properties: the event handler function, the object reference and the Boolean true value:

public render(): void
    return <button click={ {func: this.clcikable.onClick, funcThisArg: this.clcikable, useCapture: true} }>Click Me</button>;

Mimbl also supports event handlers implemented as arrow function properties or as bound methods. In this case, developers should only specify the function itself.

Virtual Event Handlers

Event handlers can be overridden in derived classes:

// Base class
class Hello extends mim.Component
    name: string;

    constructor( name: string)
        this.name = name;

    public render(): void
        return <button click={this.onButtonClick}>Click Me</button>;

    public onButtonClick( e: MouseEvent): void
        console.log( "Hello to " + this.name);

// Derived class
class Shalom extends Hello
    constructor( name: string)
        super( name);

    public onButtonClick( e: MouseEvent): void
        console.log( "Shalom to " + this.name);

mim.mount( [new Hello( "Michael"), new Shalom("Michael")]);

Here, the base class defines the event handler onButtonClick and the derived class overrides it with a slightly different functionality.