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Michael Michlin
Mimcss Guide: Style Definition Inheritance
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Mimcss Guide: Style Definition Inheritance

Style definition classes are regular TypeScript classes and thus support inheritance. Mimcss uses the inheritance mechanism to achieve style virtualization, which allows changing entire style theme with very little code.

Basic Inheritance

Let’s look at a simple example and see what Mimcss does in the presence of inheritance:

class Base extends css.StyleDefinition
    textInput = this.$class({ padding: 4 })

class Derived extends Base
    button = this.$class({ padding: 8 })

let derived = css.activate(Base);

Nothing surprising will happen when we activate the Derived class: the derived variable will provide access to both the textInput and the button CSS classes. For each of these properties Mimcss will generate a unique CSS class name. If you use the Scoped mode for name generation, the names of the classes will be Base_textInput and Derived_button.

Interesting things start happening when the derived class overrides a property from the base class:

class Base extends css.StyleDefinition
    textInput = this.$class({ padding: 4 })

class Derived extends Base
    textInput = this.$class({ padding: 8 })

let derived = css.activate(Derived);

There will be a single name generated for the derived.textInput.name variable. The name will be Base_textInput; however, the style will be { padding: 8 }. That is, the name is generated using the name of the base class, while the style is taken from the derived class.

Let’s now have another style definition class that derives from the same Base class:

class AnotherDerived extends Base
    textInput = this.$class({ padding: 16 })

let anotherDerived = css.activate(AnotherDerived);

As expected, the anotherDerived.textInput.name will have the name Base_textInput and the style { padding: 16 }. Thus no matter how many different derived classes we may have, they will all use the same name for the inherited properties but different styles assigned to them. This is actually in full conformance with Object-Oriented Programming paradigm and this allows us to achieve what we call “style virtualization”.

Style Virtualization

The idea of “style virtualization” is to have a base “interface” that “declares” several CSS style rules and have multiple “implementations” of this interface that “implement” these rules by providing actual styles. When we need CSS classes, IDs, animations and custom properties in our code, we will use the names provided by the “interface”. Then we can activate either this or that implementation and, voila - we can completely change the styling of our application with very little code.

class Theme extends css.StyleDefinition
    @css.virtual bgColor = this.$var( "color")
    @css.virtual frColor = this.$var( "color")

    label = this.$class();

    input = this.$tag( "input", { backgroundColor: this.bgColor, color: this.frColor })

let theme: Theme = null;


    return <form>
        <label for="favFood" class={theme.label.name}>Type your favorite food:</label>
        <input type="text" id="favFood" name="favFood" />


class BlueTheme extends Theme
    bgColor = this.$var( "color", Colors.cyan)
    frColor = this.$var( "color", Colors.navy)
    label = this.$class({ color: Colors.darkblue})

class BeigeTheme extends Theme
    bgColor = this.$var( "color", Colors.beige)
    frColor = this.$var( "color", Colors.brown)
    label = this.$class({ color: Colors.darkorange})

theme = css.activate( BlueTheme);

As our “interface”, we defined a style definition class Theme. It has two “virtual” properties defining custom CSS properties for colors (we will discuss the @virtual decorator a bit later) and one regular class rule for a label. Note that we didn’t specify any styles for them. We are using them only to define types and names. We also created a rule that applies for all <input> tags, which uses our custom CSS properties to specify background and foreground colors.

We then declared a variable theme of the type Theme. Although we didn’t activate any styles, declaring a variable of this type tells the TypeScript compiler that it will have access to all the names and rules defined in Theme. So, we can now write our rendering code and use theme.label.name as a CSS class name.

We then defined two classes - BlueTheme and BeigeTheme - which derived from the abstract Theme class and override the virtual properties with different styles. Then we activated the BlueTheme class as our initial theme.

All what is left to write is the code that allows the user to choose one of the two themes, deactivate the current theme and activate the new one.

Note that a theme is just a TypeScript class that derives from the Theme class. This opens a door to easily “externalize” creation of themes - they can be created by 3rd-party vendors and delivered as regular JavaScript package.

@virtual Decorator

You probably noticed that we used the @virtual decorator on some of our properties in the base Theme class. Why did we have to use it on bgColor and frColor but not on label and input? Note that this is not simply because the properties are overridden in the derived classes - the label property is overridden too but we don’t need to apply the @virtual decorator to it. The real reason is that the color properties are used in the same class where they are defined while they can also be overridden by the derived classes. There is a technical explanation why the decorator is needed for such properties.

TL;DR The property assignments are executed as part of object construction. Let’s first consider what would happen without the @virtual decorator. When the constructor function of the parent class (the Theme class in our case) runs and encounters the input property assignment, it sees the values of the color properties as they are at that moment - that is, undefined values. When the constructor of the derived class (e.g. the BlueTheme class) runs and overrides the color properties, that doesn’t affect the values of the color properties remembered by the rule assigned to the input property. Thus, without the @virtual decorator, the input rule would not see the overridden values of the color properties.

The @virtual decorator ensures that whenever a property is read, it will return the most recently assigned value. Behind the scenes, a JavaScript Proxy object is created for each virtual property and it remembers the last assigned value. Thus, the rule assigned to the input property in the Theme class doesn’t keep the rule currently assigned to the bgColor property, but instead, keeps a proxy object that points to that rule. When the bgColor property is overridden in the BlueTheme constructor, the proxy object starts pointing to the overridden rule. As a result, when the rules are processed by the Mimcss mechanism, the overridden value is seen by the input rule.

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